Shaking Medicine Teacher Training

Become a Qualified Shaking Medicine Facilitator!

Learn to Share Therapeutic Tremoring in a Creative, Fun, Efficient, and Safe Way.
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Open New Possibilities

Outcomes Of This Training

Continue reaping all of the many profound benefits of embodying & learning Shaking Medicine.

Learn to teach therapeutic tremoring safely, effectively, responsibly, & professionally.

Step into your power whether it is your first time teaching, to add to your teaching repertoire, or simply for your own personal growth.

Equip yourself with the ability to facilitate a somatic style that will positively transform many people's lives.

Upskill with the tools to guide an invitational, intuitive, & trauma-sensitive journey of the senses.

Create your own teaching style that is fun, liberating, & empowering to you that captures your unique gifts, personality, expression, and values. 

Be certified & insured to share a unique modality that is fundamentally about letting go of control.

Become a pioneer, leader, and expert in this niche field & compliment all the things you do in life.

Obtain a deep understanding of the theory, science, history, & philosophy of Shaking Medicine.

Join a thriving community creating ripples at the forefront of this health & wellbeing industry.

Have consistent & reliable support during your training & ongoing after you graduate.

Go deeper with concepts, practices, techniques, & classes uniquely crafted for Shaking Medicine Teachers.

Begin in 3 Steps

Step 1: Thoroughly go through this page.
Step 2: Schedule your free application call.
Step 3: Choose your training.

Schedule Your Call
Choose a Training

Teacher Training Options

Your Training Comes with Valuable Resources

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Interactive Training

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Training Portal

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Teachers Archive

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Teachers Manual

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Facilitator Group

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On-Going Support

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Monthly Teachers Meetings & Classes

Certified and Insurable Training

Shaking Medicine is certified and insurable in 39 countries.

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Course Summary

Click on a tab to read more.


There are four main parts to graduate.



This video is a compilation of testimonials from one of our teacher trainings. Below are some written reviews and a link to more testimonials.

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Kareena Samantha

"I am loving this journey of sharing Shaking Medicine. It has enriched my life on many levels.

I’m about to release my first offering called, Flowing Illumination, that will be a small container sharing Shaking Medicine intimately for women on the Divine Feminine pathway of integrating love, light and abundance 🙌

Infinite Gratitude & blessings to our beautiful Shaking Medicine Tribe."

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Sarah Wolfe

 "Being a teacher and practitioner of a disciplined yoga style, alongside battling an eating disorder for years, throughout my life the concepts of control and pushing harder have, prior to Shaking Medicine, really directed many of the choices in my life. Over the years I've explored many different modalities for strengthening, conditioning and maintaining the overall health of my physical body, getting at times quite consumed and caught up in it all. The practice of Shaking Medicine is a complete medicinal delivery for all layers and aspects of our Body Mind Spirit. Combining hyper arousal and deep relaxation to create a whole and complete healing practice. It is part of my everyday ritual today as it allows me to cultivate a deeper connection to myself in a loving way. I highly recommend Shaking Medicine to anyone interested in cultivating deeper presence and awareness, anyone who may be suffering from dis-ease or inflammation. This is powerful."

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Heath Milton

"Attending a Shaking Medicine Teacher training was one of the greatest moves I made this year! I was initially skeptical of Shaking Medicine as a new age fad. The skepticism soon shifted to curiosity when I began to understand the ancient roots of Shaking Medicine within humanity, and the science of nervous system regulation as a means to restoring balance within a living system.

I now use Shaking Medicine regularly as a powerful tool to stay centred within my physical body, have a more balanced emotional body and quiet my mind. Shaking Medicine is super dynamic and adaptable, and easily integrated into a practise of Qi Gong or a run on the beach. It provides a lot of laughter and space for all expressions of the body, and is fun as a group practise.

I have found myself in a more relaxed state, receiving greater benefit from deeper meditations. It has allowed greater focus and grounding within my own path and has provided greater emotional freedom and self-expression within relationships. Physically, I am feeling less tension, greater flexibility and deeper more full breaths.

I will continue to practise and share passionately Shaking Medicine with others, as a tool for a more grounded, calm, and liberating experience of Life!"

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Nathalie Paul

"Shaking Medicine has been an immense part of my healing and transformation over the last few years.

Our teacher and founder Keith embodies what he teaches, the modality itself is immensely beneficial (more than a modality it is a "remembrance" of our innat healing mechansims + a way to feel true bliss in the moment).

The community is beautiful.

If you have been curious about Shaking Medicine the Teacher Training an amazing opportunity to dive in. "

More Testimonials Here

Become a Leader in Sharing this Powerful Somatic Therapy!

Begin Your Teacher Training